Little Images Professional Childcare Photographers

Little Images have been working photography magic for over 17 years.

Our team of franchisees specialise in ELC photography. Franchisees are local owner operators focused and dedicated to providing brilliant service to your childcare centre.

“This is why hundreds of directors use and recommend Little Images”

You can book online or call Kathryn on 31252116 to make an appointment with a Little Images Photographer.

Brilliant packages, fast delivery, and quality prints for a lifetime of memories!

You can book online or call Kathryn today on 3125 2116 to find a professional child care photographer in your area!

Little Images, rebooked and recommended by 100’s of directors and managers each year!

How does a career in photography sound?

We have a high demand for our services and are looking for new trainees,

Click here to join the team 

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Little Images
Average rating:  
 7 reviews
Photographer you had; : Caryn
Would you recommend Little Images to others?: Yes

Nice photo

Photographer you had; : Caryn
Would you recommend Little Images to others?: Yes

Great photographers

Photographer you had; : Caryn
Would you recommend Little Images to others?: Yes

We absolutely loved our children's Daycare Photos from 2021 and 2022, and we were extremely grateful to be offered our free pictures for 2022 after losing our home to a fire in October. 100% Recommend this company!

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